Friday, October 3, 2008

Revolving Lines

Shelter: BUS


Devastation and turmoil are amongst the various terminologies used to describe the aftermath of a natural disaster.  Fearsome to behold, these forces have the ability to snap the backbone of a community in mere seconds. Just as natural disasters follow a path of wreckage, the relief thereafter should pursue in its wake. The concept of this project is to provide said path of aid, by means of four volunteers, to revive a community in need. In other words, it institutes a revolving line of action to use. The shelter vehicle borrows core aspects of building and growth seeking, to provide shelter for volunteer relief workers.

Revolving and movement shape the interior of the vehicle; the focal point of the space being the datum line that runs the length of the bus. Symbolic of a pathway towards a goal, the datum hallway branches to the targets, or areas of the bus. Using proportion, as well as level progression, the hierarchy of space extends. Private and public rooms appear as the flow perpetuates. Since the only barriers between transitions are the pull-down screens in the thresholds, the atmosphere further develops the concept of flow and advancement. As not to complicate the environment, the color palate is natural and subdued.

This particular shelter bus aims to progress and revive a disaster stricken community. Working closely between the bus volunteers and the community would support the idea of support and growth in time of need, thus understanding aspects of beneficial, public design. 

Process to find Concept(a portion of it)

Working on a large sheet of trash paper, I tried to write anything and everything that pertained to my concept. It was helpful to have a large piece of process which showed going from  broad information to a more detailed approach. 

Initial Bubble Diagram:



Flow Diagram
Public Private Plan

4 Cross Sections
Detail Drawing: Pull down screens for privacy

Longitude 1

Longitude 2

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