The first time I started this assignment, I got about halfway done and realized just how boring I had made it. I wanted each image to be related to the next so I decided that each leaf should be more crumpled than the prior one.
Arbitare is an Italian Magazine that is, for the most part, in Italian. It has been generous in subtitling the articles in English( a luxury that few American magazines will do). Apart from being Italian, this magazine reads like an average American one. Over half of the pages are ads, and it is not middle-end that the articles begin. The difference with this magazine is that the ads are back to back, as are the articles, so it provides to variety in layout. In this particular edition, Arbitare has dedicated it's articles to the study of Istanbul. One particular editorial displays and comments on the Miniatürk, memorial park that displays 105 models of work of architecture and historical places in Istanbul, the Ottoman Empires, and Anatolia. The article is not a long one, but it has provides an abundance of pictures.
2. Archithese Archithese is a small, thin German magazine that is the opposite of the Italian ones. Every single page is white, it is simple and minimal. The two things that add life to this magazine are the pictures and the rough texture of the paper used. Instead of spending time sifting through the copious amounts of ads, this magazine it made almost entirely of articles. Even if the articles are almost all in German, the pictures are situated in a way that tells the story adequately. Since this is a "thematic review for architecture," there are pictures from various places around the world. The language gives away the nationality of the magazine, but without the text, I don't think I would even be able to figure out it's origin.
3. Domus There is something about the ads in Domus that makes it seem more Italian. It might possibly because the products and the ad itself are in fact Italian. This magazine is better crafted than Arbitare for multiple reasons. the size is larger, both in size and in width; it attracts more attention because it stands out. Also, the paper is of better quality. Not that the layouts in Arbitare are poorly designed, I simply noticed the craft of the layouts in Domus more. Every page is so clean and organized, just as an Italian magazine should be Like Arbitare, Domus is Italian subtitled in English. The difference is that Domus has more subtitles, even on the advertisements. The magazine is rather long, but it is broken up in unique, quirky ways. In the middle, to break up the articles, the designers added the next excerpt on different textured paper that is cut horizontally. It adds a hint of interaction and playfulness in a very professional way.
After researching through articles about sustainable design in various design journals, I came to form my own definition on the matter. We all know that global warming is reaping havoc on our world. It is up to the inhabits to go green and practice sustainable design. I have fond that sustainable design I the a strategy targeted to reduce the negative impacts on the environment and preserve nature through the use of products good for the economy. Not everybody has to race out and completely convert to sustainable design, but everybody has to take small steps together. Interior Sources Oct/Nov 2007 Every person counts when it comes to Sustainability. The article, “A Call to Green Action,” explains how individuals can do their part of the greater whole (i.e.- recycle, hybrid cars, locally grown produce, etc). Enough people came together and in 2005, New York passed an act that stated most of the new municipal buildings must meet a standard of sustainability Buildings March 2007 In, ‘ A Smart Approach to Sustainability, Ralph Dinola explains that, “longevity is key to sustainability.” This article stressed the importance of small steps. People don’t have to switch everything over to sustainable design in one setting; they just need to become aware of a change. Location is a key factor in learning about an individual’s sustainability needs.
Metropolis Oct 2007 This article quotes Ray Anderson in saying that, “No one should be claiming sustainable products. There is no such thing yet in terms of zero footprint. What you can do is demonstrate reduced footprint.” So, instead of coming up with a solution to sustainability, ‘7 Steps In the Life Cycle of a Green Product,’ has come up with seven things a product can be that comes relatively close to being sustainable.
Buildings March 2007 Tools like this are helpful when it comes to aiding a person or building on their journey to incorporate more sustainable design into the world.
Dwell Nov 2007 Do you know who is already taking large steps to a more sustainable lifestyle? It is not who you’d think. The article, ‘ The Third Influx of Global Greening Is At Hand,’ notes that places such as, “ Wal Mart, McDonald’s, Ford Motor, even Shell and BP” are miles ahead of the mass public in “effective environmental action and awareness.”
Environmental Design+ Construction Even School and Universities are deciding to become more sustainable. ‘Campus Commitment Shapes A Sustainable Community,’ displays how Pacific University was the first recognizable sustainable residence hall. Interior Design Oct 2007 Switching over to sustainability cannot only have an effect on the environment, but it can look cool in the process. Ice Stone is the new kind of sustainable countertop made from recycled glass and concrete. Sustainable Facility Oct 2007 Joel Pizzuti is the first to come up with the idea of ‘Green Construction.’ He placed 6,600 sq. feet of bio infiltration cells that would allow surface water to collect in a 32,000 sq. foot bios wale I order to trap pollutants and silt from ground water.
Other Journals used: Dwell Dec/ Jan 2008 Perspective 2006-2007 Space Fall 2007